Startup Incubator / Entrepreneurship Training Center


Morzon Motivational Intelligence Service

(OPC) Private Limited.

Rampur, Argupurkalan, Jaunpur Uttar Pradesh, India.

operated by

Rural Entrepreneurship Development Program

Development block wise planning framework

And action plan

Do you know that by the year 2041-

1 – The annual population growth rate in India will decrease from 1.77 percent to 0.46 percent.

2- The total population will increase from 121 crores to 151 crores.

3- The number of the age group above 60 years will increase from 8.6 percent to 15.9 percent.

4- Annual employment will have to be provided to 97 million during 2021-2031 and 42 lakh in 2031-2041.

5- More labor migration may have to be seen within the country.

6 – The number of working age group (20-59) years was 50.5 percent of the total population in the year 2011 which will be 58.9 percent in 2041.

7- People between the ages of 18 and 35 are generally considered to be young, which is about 31 percent of the country’s population in 2011 i.e. 37 crores.

8- Youth unemployment rate is around 22 percent in 2020.

9 – In 2017, there are more than 11 lakh workers in factories in the country. And rural industries have employed 14 lakh artisans across India.

10 – India has a total of 41.3 percent of the workers, of which 42.9 percent are rural and 29.7 percent urban workers.

11-To combat unemployment, India needs to generate 10 lakh jobs per year by 2030.

12- Employees in India are estimated to increase by 8 lakhs per year for the next decade and a half.

13- About 29 lakh labor force is not being used in India.

14 – 40 lakh women in India have been forced out of the current labor force due to lack of work, while another 30 lakh workers are looking to move for regular paid jobs.

15- The total number of unemployed people would increase to 36 lakh, which is 4% of the population above 15 years of age.

16- Based on the current population, 60 lakhs will enter the workforce, and an additional 30 lakhs can go to non-agricultural areas with agricultural work.

17 – If 55 lakh women enter the labor force, then the imperative of employment generation in India will be even more.

18- India needs to create at least 90 lakh new non-agricultural jobs by 2030. And to achieve this target, the country’s GDP needs to grow at a rate of 8.0 to 8.5 percent per annum.

That is why we see that 30% of the total population in India has ample opportunities to make young / young ladies people entrepreneurs or there is a need to create 97 lakh jobs every year. In view of this demand for employment generation, our company has decided to create 97 lakh jobs every year for 10 years.

Thus we are seeing that the unemployment rate is not decreasing, every year new people are joining the work force, 90 percent of the company is failing after registration, the government and private sector together have tried to create employment. . Yet we have ample opportunity to bring the unemployment rate down to zero.

Startup Idea

Motivation, mentorship, mentorship, Startup Incubator/Entrepreneurship Training through Seminars and Webinars, on cost benefit, by providing online and offline entrepreneurship training through Startup Incubation/Entrepreneurship Training Center in rural and urban areas, by providing collective buying power, and generate employment and revenue by providing business support services, creating new entrepreneurs.

Our objective

Individuals who have been freed from the desire to do jobs and slave mentality, and have the will power to become owners and independent. Our company will generate employment and revenue by making them eligible for the venture. Rural entrepreneurship development program has been launched for such people only.

Our services

Providing Motivation, Advice, Consulting, Incubation, Seminars, Webinars, Corporate soft skills and business support services, on cost advantage by giving the power of collective buying. The company will provide training programs and seminars to members of the lower middle class family seeking employment. The topics will cover enterprise management, marketing management, production management, profit from enterprise, choice of enterprise, business model, enterprises starting with less capital, and service sector enterprises, etc. And will teach methods of generating employment and creating profitable businesses.Our company mainly wants to provide five business support services –

Company 30 to 365 days subscription, one to 10 industry/sector materials, prototypes and bankable project reports, industrial documentaries, supplier and industry expert connections, industry related government and financial policies and knowledge sharing, company, Startups will generate revenue from ₹550 to ₹59000/- through online/offline services like GST & Aadhar Registration & Recognition Support and Handholding Support, EDP Training, IPR, Workshop & Seminars.

1- To create a platform for mutual connection and online live class. On this platform, new entrepreneurs, old entrepreneurs, suppliers, professionals, etc. will be in one place and will have their profile.

2- To create new entrepreneurs from the lower middle class people.

3- To provide collective purchasing power.

4- Generating employment and revenue for the people.

5- Providing seminar and webinar services.

6-By becoming a business expert, we will generate revenue by motivating and training people to do business through seminars and webinars. And the unemployed youth of the lower middle class will motivate the youth to do business and make them capable of doing business.

7- Deployment of trained startup promoters at village level to motivate Indian rural youth for

8- To provide business coach, mentor, trainer at local level to Indian rural

9- To provide local level mobile startup training center for Indian rural

10- To provide a platform to Indian Rural Youth to provide legal,services registration,services, compliance, pitch deck, business plan, marketing plan, project report, market research, accounting and other consultancy and technical information regarding business at local

8-Entrepreneur is required to set up industry, registration, manufacturing, marketing, Providing guidance by experts about imports and exports (60 working days from the start of the time program).

9- To motivate women entrepreneurs to set up readymade garments / other selected industries and get admission in a recognized institute. If there is a fee of the concerned organization, the entrepreneur will pay it himself. (65 working days from the start of the program).

10- Entrepreneur to be informed about the facilities available from various government departments. (70 working days from the start of the time program)

11- To help the entrepreneur in getting facilities from various government departments. If there is a government fee, then the entrepreneur will pay it himself. (90 working days from the start of the time program)

12 – Online Motivational Business Seminars and webinars to be organized on various topics.

13- Entrepreneur’s Business Registration, Funding, Production, Provide paid guidance and support in marketing.

14 – On each team, which will be of 25 women, to deploy a woman supervisor who will help in running this program.

15- Establishment of Entrepreneur Incubation Center and supervisor in charge of it so that the program continues uninterrupted in the coming years.

16-There will be different charges for all services. The fee that the entrepreneur will demand will be charged only for the service and only the service will be provided by the entrepreneur.

17- For more information, visit the company’s website or send an email to [email protected] or can talk to 7408611304.

Program eligibility

1 – High school pass from a recognized institution, rural women or men whose age is not less than 20 years.

2- Be able to get paid services as above.There should be no standard of living below the poverty line.

3-Be willing to become an entrepreneur and have the support of his family.

4-Freed from the desire to do jobs and slave mentality and have the will power to become a boss and free.

5-Be able to participate in various seminars, webinars, and entrepreneurship development programs organized by the company.

6 – Any member of their family or the entrepreneur himself should have Android mobile and have internet facility in it.

7-Have the ability to invest at least ₹10 thousand to set up your enterprise.

8 – To get citizenship of India, they should have Aadhaar card and have an account with a recognized bank.

Note– Our Target Segment and Differentiated and Superior Offering – People whose annual savings are not less than ₹ 15000. Our target segment is lower middle class house hold whose annual income is not less than 70,137 and not more than 2,73,098.Those who are not satisfied with their income and want to increase their income. Rural / urban areas of 21 to 35 years of age. Want to call back women whose family members are living migrant life and leaving their home and moving to other cities and doing private jobs, whose education is not less than high school. To create employment and revenue at home. For those who are willing to venture, our company will provide good and experienced motivators and business coaches for just ₹ 100 / hour, who will be the best guide and mentor for them and will create the best business model for them in the early days of their venture And training of production at minimum cost, help in buying good and cheap raw materials, arranging salesmen for products, etc.

Bindu Prajapati



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"आपकी इस उपाय को सराहनीय है, जो समुदाय के उद्यमियों को साथ लाने और उन्हें सहायता प्रदान करने के लिए है। यह हमें समृद्धि की दिशा में एक साथ बढ़ने का मौका देता है।"

Commented by Vijay Benbanshi

"आपकी इस उत्कृष्ट पहल के लिए हम सभी की सराहना है। आपने समुदाय के विकास और समृद्धि के लिए एक महत्वपूर्ण कदम उठाया है।"

Commented by Asha Paswan

"आपकी इस पहल से हमें समूचे समुदाय के साथ एक और रास्ता मिला है, जो हमें सामूहिक रूप से उत्थान और समृद्धि की दिशा में अग्रसर करेगा। आपका योगदान हम सभी के लिए महत्वपूर्ण है।"

Commented by Mayank Pal

"यह एक शानदार पहल है जो समुदाय को एक साथ लाने और उसे विकास की दिशा में अग्रसर करने के लिए की गई है। आपकी सामाजिक सेवा के प्रति हमारी सराहना है।"

Commented by Manoj Gupta

"आपके समाज के लिए इस प्रकार के सामाजिक उत्थान के लिए हमारी प्रशंसा है। आपका प्रयास हमें समृद्धि की दिशा में एक साथ बढ़ने का एहसास कराता है।"

Commented by Umesh Yadav

"आपकी इस मुहिम से हमें समुदाय के साथ मिलकर काम करने का अवसर मिला है, जो हमारे सपनों को साकार करने में सहायक हो सकता है। आपकी पहल से हमें एक मजबूत और साथीपूर्ण समर्थन मिला है।"

Commented by Shakuntala Mourya

"आपका प्रयास समुदाय के उत्थान और सामूहिक विकास की दिशा में एक प्रेरणास्त्रोत है। आपकी इस पहल से हम सभी को एक सकारात्मक दिशा मिली है और हमें अपने सपनों को पूरा करने के लिए उत्साहित किया है।"

Commented by Rajeev Patel

"यह समाज के साथ जुड़े उद्यमियों के लिए एक बड़ी उम्मीद की बात है। आपकी सामुदायिक पहल से हमें एक नई दिशा मिली है, जो हमें अपने सपनों की प्राप्ति में मदद करेगी।"

Commented by Bassmati gautam

"आपके इस पहल का हमारे समुदाय के उद्यमियों के विकास में बड़ा योगदान होगा। आपकी नेतृत्व में हम सभी एक समृद्ध भविष्य की ओर बढ़ रहें हैं।"

Commented by Deepmala agarhari

"समुदाय के उद्यमियों के लिए ऐसे संगठन का होना बहुत महत्वपूर्ण है, जो साथ में उनकी समृद्धि के लिए सहायता करता है।"

Commented by Rashmi prajapati


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